Payment Methods

  • Direct bank transfer
    Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.
  • Paypal
    In the course of the order process you will be redirected to the website of the online provider PayPal. In order to be able to pay the amount via PayPal, you must be registered with the supplier or register first, authenticate with your access data and confirm the payment mandate in our favor. Alternatively, you can pay with your Credit Card through Paypal. For this you do not need to be registered with PayPal to pay the invoice amount.
  • Credit card via Stripe
    In cooperation with the supplier Stripe we offer you the possibility to pay by credit card. At the same time as sending the order you must indicate the payment details of the credit card. After successful authentication of the actual owner, the payment transaction is initiated automatically with simultaneous charging of the credit card.
  • SEPA Direct Debit via Stripe
    In cooperation with the provider Stripe, we offer you the possibility of payment via SEPA Direct Debit. When you place your order, you give us a SEPA Direct Debit mandate. You will be informed of the debit date by a so-called advance notice. Upon presentation of the debit mandate, we will request our bank to initiate the payment transaction. The payment transaction is executed automatically and your current account is debited at the same time. The debiting of the current account takes place before the shipment of the goods. The deadline for the notice of the debiting date is one day.

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